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July 18, 2023

“LHP” is an acronym for business concept, introduced in a seminar sponsored by U.S. PROFESSIONALS INC in Houston, Texas in 1995, as “Low-cost High-value Product”.

LHP was the embodiment of a marketing added value concept developed and presented in 1995 by U.S. PROFESSIONALS, INC (a Texas, USA, corporation).

The concept is simple, a BUYER may purchase a product other than what a BUYER wants, which a BUYER may use to negotiate obtaining funds equal to twice the amount to be paid for that product, thus recovering the cost, plus providing funds to pay for a product a BUYER wants; providing the BUYER a net-zero cost.

But the name U.S. PROFESSIONALS was thereafter transferred to a sports association that was incorporating as such, and the Texas entity was replaced with U.S. PROFESIONALES DE EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. (“USPES”, incorporated in El Salvador in 1995, with its acronym being interpreted as “UNIDOS SOMOS PROFESIONALES DE EL SALVADOR” or “UNITED WE ARE PROFESSIONALS OF EL SALVADOR”).

USPES offers UNIFORM ADVERTISING WEEK SERVICES (“UAWS”), resulting in advertisements being posted in https://www.change2100.com/GTD/; which may be used as LHP because, when UAWS are purchased USPES offers a 200% rebate CONVERTIBLE VIRTUAL CURRENCY in the HOWSE TRUST ("HOWSE TRUST")

When taking value out of HOWSE TRUST using a HOWSE COFFEE IBOE ("HCI") and ("ADDENDUM"), the value will be increased by 50%.